Does your summer to-do list include home maintenance projects like yard work? Before you dig in to summer home improvements such as landscaping, let’s review the types of plants that can lower the value of your home rather than increase it.
You may find one or two types of plants that can lower the value of your home surprising, while others make sense.
Invasive species
If you want your yard to impress, find out more about what plants are considered invasive in your area. Then avoid planting them! Or, get rid of them if they’re already there.
Invasive plants tend to spread quickly while overpowering native plants that are good for the environment. In our area, invasive plant species include Bradford pear trees, silktree mimosas and wisteria, for example.
Both the Alabama Forestry Commission and The Nature Conservatory have lists of some of Alabama’s most prevalent and worst invasive plants.
If you are wondering what you can plant this summer, plant trees that are native to Alabama. There are several choices, including Flowering Dogwood, Eastern redbud, magnolia, wild plum or black cherry trees.
Fruit trees
Simply put, fruit trees are messy! They can also attract bees and other pests and unwanted animals, plus they can have unpleasant odors. On top of all that, fruit trees are generally high-maintenance.
Prickly plants
Plants with sharp edges, thorns or prickly leaves can be unattractive to some homeowners. These types of plants aren’t necessarily family-friendly. If kids and pets are spending hours outside running around the yard, stickers and thorns aren’t ideal.
Too many trees
While this is more about quantity than types of plants that can lower the value of your home, it’s important to note. Trees can add value to your property.
However, too many trees can make a home feel closed off for some potential buyers. What’s more, too many trees too close to the home can also be a concern for potential storm damage.
Knowing what adds value to your home rather than deducting from it is beneficial in the long run. When you get ready to put your house on the market, touch base with Ryan Roberts for more expert guidance. Keep reading our blogs for other homeowner tips, industry news and property showcases.