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7 Ways That Trees Affect Your Property Value

Posted on August 9, 2021
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Ways That Trees Affect Your Property Value

Pools, HOAs, bonus rooms—you have so many angles to consider when it comes to highlighting your home’s attributes. Well, you should also add trees to the list! Their presence—or lack thereof—can make a big impact on how much your property is worth. Don’t worry, though! If you can’t see the forest for the trees, we’ll explain it all. Just keep reading these ways that trees affect your property value.

Passing on the savings

Potential buyers may ask to see how much you spent on A/C or power bills. If that’s the case, having trees can result in lower bills—and a more appealing property. Because trees have both shading and insulating effects, their presence can boost your utility savings.

Bringing a growth in value

The stats back it up! Research conducted by the Arbor Day Foundation revealed that homes with trees can expect a home value increase ranging from 3 to 15 percent. That adds up!

As an example, the average home price in Alabama (as of June 2021) was $258,081, according to the Alabama Center for Real Estate. Tack on 3 percent, and that’s a growth of $7,742.43. Or, pile on that 15 percent, and the price rises by $38,712.15. Looks like going green can also earn you major green!

Providing privacy

When we’re home, we just want to relax. A home surrounded by trees comes with natural privacy—a commodity that many people will line up to pay extra for.

Posing as a potential obstacle

Quality matters! If your trees are sick or damaged, then they could actually not help the property value. That’s when it’s time to talk to a landscaper about your options.

Remember: Trees—and their roots—can actually keep your soil from collapsing or causing a dangerous situation. Their removal could even mess up your home. So, don’t just cut them down on a whim!

Requiring maintenance

Your home is only worth what people will pay for it. If they believe your trees will take a significant amount of time and effort—or landscaping fees—they may pass on buying. So, keep yard care in mind when estimating your home’s value.

Growing the right kind

Another one of the ways that trees affect your property value involves your choice of tree. Of course, if you live in a home with mature trees, then it’s possible you had no control over the planting. However, if you choose to grow new trees, choose something classic and resilient. Oaks, elm trees, and maples all top the list of popular sections.

Choosing the wrong kind

Did you know that some trees attract bugs? Cottonwoods, pines, and mulberry trees all come with this problem. Before you plant, research your tree. Otherwise, you may have pests moving in, pronto!


Now you know! There are many ways that trees affect your property value. Additionally, if you ever want to leverage your house’s best features on the market, you know who to message: Ryan Roberts. Contact him here to begin! Finally, for more on home care and real estate, check out our blog.