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7 Signs It’s Time to Sell Your Home

Posted on May 24, 2021
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signs it's time to sell your home

For many people, their home is their most valuable asset. Knowing when it’s time to make a move can be tricky. However, there are several common signs it’s time to sell your home if you know what to consider.

It no longer fits your needs.

For example, your family has outgrown your starter home. Whether you need more rooms or simply more room, if the house is cramped and uncomfortable, it’s time to find something that isn’t!

On the other hand, a house can seem too big when all the kids have gone. Another factor to consider is stairs. If you are thinking about downsizing and growing old in your next home, you might prefer one story.

You have positive equity in the home.

To simplify, equity refers to the difference between what your home is worth and what you owe. Ideally, you want enough to cover any expenses, including closing costs. Plus, you’ll want a little extra to go down on your next home. Even a small amount is positive!

You know it’s a seller’s market, and you want in!

Real estate is extremely local. Pay attention to your local market. When you get the fliers in the mail letting you know how much your neighbor’s house sold for, keep them. Make a note, and pay attention to how long houses are staying on the market.

There’s little to no remodeling needed.

Maybe you recently renovated the kitchen and bathrooms. Maybe you have a new roof and even a fresh coat of interior paint. If there’s not much to repair to get maximum dollar, it’s another one of the solid signs it’s time to sell your home.

You are tired of “high-maintenance.”

Tired of paying big bucks for repairs and upkeep? Maybe it’s time to look at something new. It could be the perfect time to consider a condo!

There’s a solid next plan.

A good time to sell is when you know where you are going after the sale. You may have a new home in mind or under contract. You may have an RV and plan to travel for a year. Whatever it is, it’s a solid next plan!

You are ready on all fronts!

One of the sure signs it’s time to sell your home is you are emotionally ready. This may be harder than you think. Selling a home isn’t cut and dry. It involves emotions. It involves attachments and memories. So, when your heart and gut say, “It’s time,” it probably is.


Finally, a sign it’s time to sell your home is you know the real estate expert you want to work with! Ryan Roberts is ready to listen and help you sort through the entire process! Have questions? Ask Ryan.

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