During the year 2020, people across the world have been stepping up to help others. Delivering groceries to neighbors, donating to food banks, wearing a mask—now we can count participating in Auburn’s 2020 Toy Drive to that list of selfless accomplishments. If you can, consider helping out local families by participating in this holiday event.
What is Auburn’s Toy Drive?
Each year, the Auburn Public Safety Department holds a toy drive, so that young children can enjoy the holiday season. It will accept unwrapped holiday gifts, suitable for kids 2 through 8—and pass them on to local families in need. You can add some merriment to the season for the whole family by donating a present this week!
Participating in Auburn’s 2020 Toy Drive
If you’re feeling generous, here’s how you can participate! Find a gift—or two or three—for children aged 2 to 8. There’s no need to wrap it! Volunteers will be sorting the gifts, so that they can ensure each kid gets a present that corresponds with the proper age group.
Next, it’s time to drive over to one of two Life Storage locations, 1231 Gatewood Drive or 2020 South College St., or the Auburn Police Division 141 North Ross St. They will accept gifts until December 5. Then, they’ll deliver the gifts in the seven days leading up to Christmas Day.
If you or your loved ones want to register to receive gifts from the Toy Drive, you can also visit the same Auburn Police address. They will accept sign-ups for the program each Monday and Wednesday, from 9 to 10 a.m. The deadline is October 28.
You will need to show them the following documentation:
- Your child’s birth certificate;
- Your little one’s Social Security card and birth certificate; and
- The I.D. of their parent or guardian.
Additionally, don’t forget to bring at least two of these documents:
- A current water bill;
- A current light bill; or
- A copy of your rental agreement or lease.
It may be October, but holiday cheer has already flown into town. This season, show some love to our city by joining Auburn’s 2020 Toy Drive. You could make December 25 the best day of a child’s whole year!
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