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8 Summer Maintenance Tasks to Tackle This Month

Posted on August 3, 2020
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summer maintenance tasks

Swimming. Hiking. Visiting farmers markets. We’ve all enjoyed our fun moments this season. Still, we can’t forget about those important chores! If you need a little helping hand—and let’s face it, we all do—use this list of summer maintenance tasks as a guide. Then, your home and yard will outshine the rest in no time!

Get Dusting

We may not dust as often as we vacuum or mop—but we should! Don’t forget to work on taller spots, like fans and on top of your cabinets.

Clean the Grill

Have you wanted a burger, but keep dreading cleaning the grill? Now is the time to get to work! Otherwise, BBQ season may pass you by this summer.

Give the Lawn a Makeover

You shouldn’t just stop at mowing and weeding. If you have a lawn, trimming and landscaping is important too. If you’ve been faithfully tending to your yard all season—or you feel like giving it a makeover—you can also use any extra time to pot or plant some new flowers as well.

Wash Outdoor Furniture

It’s happened to us all—we look outside, and our furniture is covered in a coat of yellow pollen. Find your pressure washer and clean off your wooden and plastic furniture. You can wipe off the glass with a glass-safe cleaner as well. And if you have any pillows or cloth cushions, make sure to run those through the washer!

Inspect Your Deck

The deck is a great spot for us all to gather. Inspecting it, however, often goes by the wayside—even though it’s one of the most important summer maintenance tasks to put on your list. Not only should you see if any boards or stairs are loose, but you should also keep your eyes peeled for rotting boards and rust.

Pressure Wash the Sidewalks and Driveway

Not all of us own a pressure washer, but they’re fairly affordable to rent. They can also make your sidewalks and driveways appear brand new!

Wash Those Baseboards

We’re outside a lot more in the warmer months—and that means we can track in dirt, mud, and germs. Try and wash off your baseboards. You’d be surprised how much nicer that simple chore can make your house look!

Deep Clean the Garage

Summer offers us the ultimate test—namely, it shows us what items in our garage we actually use, and which ones we don’t. This is a big chore, but it can free up an enormous amount of space. Pull everything out, decide what to keep, what to donate, and what to toss. Then, dust and clean away inside the garage. Finally, put everything back, and marvel at all the extra room you’ve made.


Your home is about to look incredible! All it takes is a bit of hard work and dedication as you sort through these summer maintenance tasks to tackle this month. That, and a lot of ice water to keep you hydrated along the way!

Are you trying to get your home in shape for a sale? Or are you looking to buy? No matter what you need, Ryan Roberts is on your side. Contact him to get started. Finally, for more home care and real estate tips, visit our blog here.