It’s finally here: Turkey Day! Whether you’re waiting for the meal to cook, watching the parade, or taking a quick break from the kitchen, you can whet your appetite with these tasty, fun Thanksgiving 2019 stats.
Price of a Family Meal
Ever wonder how much the average big meal costs? Individual families these days spend about $49.12 on their big meal!
Seasonal Travelers
We all love seeing our closest friends and family for the holidays. Seasonally, 54.3 million travelers make the trek to see their loved ones.
Cost Per Guest
Overall, we tend to spend more during the holiday season. Still, the average cost of a Thanksgiving dinner is quite economical! With an average of at least 10 folks gathered around the table, the price per guest is a low $4! That’s lower than the cost of a fast food meal!
Thanksgiving Fans
Thanksgiving is one of our most well-known holidays—and many people in the United States like to commemorate it. In fact, 50 percent of Americans say that celebrating the holiday is important, while 26 percent of Americans say that it’s “rather” important.
Talk about That Turkey
When you envision Thanksgiving, there’s probably a big ol’ turkey in the mix! Did you know that the average turkey hits about 16 pounds? It also run up an average price of $21.71. That means about half of Thanksgiving budgets are allocated towards that popular main course!
Turkey Farmers
This is one of the fun Thanksgiving 2019 stats that will also make you hungry! Last year, farmers brought up 244.75 million turkeys!
Getting Started Online Shopping
After Thanksgiving, there’s another tradition: online shopping. Some people don’t even wait for the meal to hit the table before they get started. In fact, prior to noon on Thanksgiving Day, 34 percent of people have already logged onto their computer and started their shopping spree.
Remembering to Be Thankful
We all know the meaning behind Thanksgiving: being grateful. Each year, we find reasons to be thankful. If you feel that way, you’re in good company. About 41 percent of us believe that we have additional blessings to be grateful for this year.
Can you smell the turkey? Distract yourself—and everyone else at the table—with these fun Thanksgiving 2019 stats. Dinner will be on the table in no time!
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