It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood! Moving into a new neighborhood can be an exciting time—and potentially daunting as well. Some neighborhoods carry strict rules regarding house and yard maintenance, while others may house neighbors who are more night owl than you’d prefer. Before making the move, mull these questions as you begin considering a new neighborhood.
Does the neighborhood you’re looking at have rules and regulations?
Taking a good look at the rules of the neighborhood can save you from headaches later on. For example, some HOAs (homeowner’s associations) carry stringent parking policies, even barring some work vehicles (like police cruisers) from parking overnight, no matter if it’s parked in your driveway or not. Other HOAs dictate how long your car can be parked on the street. Still others regulate if you can leave your garage door open when not entering or exiting the garage. Learning these rules of the neighborhood beforehand can reduce potential conflicts in the future.
How far is the nearest grocery store?
This is an especially important question when considering a new neighborhood. Some neighborhoods, in the city or suburbs, have plenty of food options right in-and-around your immediate radius. However, areas in the country may not have a food stop for miles. Knowing where your major food sources are can get rid of hassles (especially pesky hunger) in the long run, and lead to more relaxing nights in.
Is the neighborhood safe?
Looking at the stats when it comes to the local crime rate is always a good idea when considering a new neighborhood. Realtors, under federal law, cannot share this information. Giving the local police station a call, as well as trusting your instincts, can get you out of some sticky situations down the road.
Where’s the hospital?
Emergencies happen—and it’s better to be safe than sorry. Knowing where the local (emphasis on local) hospital is not only gives you peace of mind: it can literally save you or your loved ones’ life. Other good points to check on are the local fire and police stations, which will give you a good indication of how long it will take for help to arrive in case of an emergency.
How are the schools?
This question weighs on the minds of many a parent, and for good reason. But, even if you aren’t a parent, good schools improve property values. Good resources for gathering information on schools are your Realtor and GreatSchools.org. Learning how the local schools score on metrics such as academic performance, attendance, and student-to-teacher ratios can be good indicators of where your property will stand, financially speaking, in the future.
Contact Ryan
Are you or your family considering a new neighborhood in the Auburn, Opelika, or Lake Martin areas? Let Realtor Ryan Roberts help! He can link you up with the information you need to make an informed choice—and love the neighborhood you end up calling home. Contact him here! Want to know more about the area or just keep up-to-date on real estate in general? Continue following the Ryan Roberts Realtor blog!