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Wishing You a Merry Christmas from Ryan

Posted on December 25, 2017
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merry Christmas

Trees sparkling, fireplaces crackling and full stockings hanging on the mantle mean it must be Christmas! However you spend the holiday, Christmas is a time to honor your traditions and surround yourself with the people you love in the places you love. That being said, a merry Christmas can certainly mean different things to different people.

The year 2017 has been full of its share of negative moments, from destructive hurricanes to violent acts of hate inflicted on our American citizens. Despite these catastrophes, time and time again we have watched as people ban together to help their fellow man—from taking their own boats through floodwaters to rescue hurricane victims to sheltering a stranger in the face of gunfire at a Las Vegas concert. It is comforting to know that when one of us is down, others aren’t afraid to step in and help.

On the other hand, there are many positive things that happened in 2017 as well. A high school student in Florida started a club so that no one would ever have to eat lunch alone again. A Pittsburgh woman lost 40 pounds so she could donate her kidney to a friend in need of one. A 98-year-old woman has written nearly 7,000 letters to men and women serving in the armed forces overseas—the list goes on and on. These seemingly small acts of kindness have a huge impact that is necessary to keep strong the thread that ties us together.

This Christmas, take time to reflect on the year that’s passed, as well as the year to come. Think about what you can do to add some light to the life of a friend, neighbor, coworker or even a complete stranger! You never know the influence a small act of kindness could have.

Here’s to wishing you and your family a very merry Christmas! I hope your time today is well-spent in good company surrounded by warmth and fellowship.

I look forward to what the New Year has in store! Reach out to me in 2018 for your real estate needs in the Auburn, Opelika and Lake Martin areas. Call me at 334-750-9872, or email [email protected]!