In Auburn, tigers might be our favorite animals, but what about the wildlife that we actually have living on the Plains? With Auburn University as our neighbor, Auburn residents and visitors are fortunate to have access to frequent educational opportunities to view, interact with and learn about wildlife. This weekend and throughout fall, watch out for these animal-themed events happening in Auburn—where you’ll catch raptors, reptiles and more.
Football, Fans and Feathers
Held the Friday before every home Auburn University football game, Football, Fans and Feathers is an event sponsored by the Southeastern Raptor Center that gives attendees the chance to watch a variety of raptors fly first-hand. During the show held at the Southeastern Raptor Center, hawks, falcons, eagles and other birds of prey are free-flown from towers around the amphitheater. The birds that star in the programs are permanent residents at the Southeastern Raptor Center that cannot be released due to either prior injuries or human imprinting.
Football, Fans and Feathers is appropriate for all ages, and tickets are $5 per person. The hour-long program begins at 4 p.m., with gates opening at 3 p.m. at the Edgar B. Carter Educational Amphitheater at 1350 Pratt-Carden Drive off Shug Jordan Parkway.
Remaining shows this season are tomorrow, Sept. 15, and Sept. 29, Oct. 6, Nov. 10, Nov. 17 and Nov. 24.
AUsome Amphibians & Reptiles
From the air to land, another of the city’s animal-themed events happening in Auburn this weekend is AUsome Amphibians & Reptiles at the Kreher Preserve and Nature Center off of North College Street. Starting at 4:30 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 15, the program features amphibians and reptiles found in Alabama and the Southeastern region. The family-friendly, hands-on show will give guests the opportunity to see and interaction with live animals as attendees learn more about our local creatures.
Admission for AUsome Amphibians & Reptiles is $5 per person (children 3 and younger are free). All proceeds from the event benefit the Kreher Preserve and Nature Center. This animal-themed event happening in Auburn is sponsored by the Auburn-Opelika Tourism Bureau and will also be held Sept. 29 and Oct. 6.
Have a helping of wildlife education alongside your football Saturdays this fall with these animal-themed events happening in Auburn! For more information about the Southeastern Raptor Center and the Kreher Preserve and Nature Center, visit http://www.vetmed.auburn.edu/raptor/ or http://wp.auburn.edu/preserve/.
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For your real estate needs in Auburn, Opelika and Lake Martin, contact Realtor Ryan Roberts today at 334-750-9872!