Whether you live in a smaller home by choice or out of necessity, you might be interested in using your design scheme to create an illusion of space. If a room feels bigger, but you are not paying for any additional square footage, then that’s the dream—right? There are several ways to make a small space feel bigger, from the way you arrange your furniture, to the colors you’re employing—and more.
Consider these six ways to make a small space feel bigger.
- Paint. The color of your walls is one of the most significant ways to make a small space feel bigger. In general, neutrals like white, cream and light gray can make a room feel larger and brighter. You can also take the idea in a totally different direction by making a bold statement with darker colors, which can emphasize a room’s coziness. Another tip when considering paint for your smaller space: paint the trim a shade that is slightly darker than that of your wall, and paint the ceiling a shade that is slightly lighter than the wall.
- Smart storage solutions. Finding ways to store your items efficiently is necessary to creating the illusion of space in your home. In your kitchen, for example, you can install racks on the backs of your cabinet doors for storing spices, aluminum foil or cleaning supplies. In your living room, use decorative boxes not only for decoration, but to store small items. Or, add shelves to the top of a closet for rarely-used items that have nowhere else to go.
- Versatile furniture. The idea of smart storage also applies to using versatile furniture to make a small space feel bigger. You may not have room for a coffee table that is just a coffee table, but what about one that you can lift up to reveal storage space underneath? Or, if you do not have room for a dresser in your bedroom, try lifting your bed and using drawers or crates to store linens, towels and blankets underneath. These days, modular pieces like fold down dining tables are another way to make your small space both functional and comfortable.
- Declutter. If an item is not adding to the look of a room, then it’s time to get rid of it. If you have items that you want to keep, but you do not use them frequently, then create organized storage to keep these items out of view. Another way to make a small space feel bigger is by leaving some space empty on your shelves rather than filling them up with books and decorations. Decluttering can be a therapeutic process and help you feel less crowded in your small space.
- Raised furniture. Raised furniture, or, furniture that does not drag the ground, is a great way to make a small space feel bigger because they create the illusion of more space. Think about it—if you can see underneath a chair, then you are physically able to see more space than if your view was blocked by a Lay-Z-Boy with a skirt that drags the ground, for example.
- Mirrors. Decorative mirrors help make rooms feel light and bright—which can be especially helpful in small, darker spaces. Try finding an oversized mirror to help reflect light and create the illusion that your space is larger than it really is. This can also serve as a focal point of the room.
There are several ways to make a small space feel bigger when it comes to home design. That’s why when shopping for a home, you should not necessarily rule out one that you do not think is large enough but that falls within your price range and proves to have other characteristics you are looking for.
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