As I know well in the world of real estate, change can be a good thing! It can be refreshing to establish a new start in a new place, see your belongings set up in a new environment and interact with others in new surroundings. In the digital world, change can be equally as refreshing—and that’s why I’ve moved to RyanRobertsRealtor.com!
If you were familiar with my Homes Auburn site, RyanRobertsRealtor.com includes all of the same educational and helpful home finding and selling features that visitors to my site have found useful. If you are looking to purchase a home in the Auburn, Opelika or Lake Martin areas, the top of the RyanRobertsRealtor.com home page introduces you to photos of featured properties—with links that lead you to more information. Scroll to the bottom of the home page for even more of my featured listings.
If you are looking to buy or sell a home, you can go to the “Listings” tabs on the website and click either “Buy a Home” or “Sell a Home,” respectively, to fill out a form that will give me a little more information about your goals as a home buyer or seller. If you are buying a home, I’ll ask about what you are looking for in a new home, a neighborhood and what your expectations are for the home buying process. Conversely, if you are looking to sell your home, the form will prompt you to tell me about the home you are selling and what your concerns are for the home selling process that I can help you address.
RyanRobertsRealtor.com also includes several educational resources like buyer, seller and financing tips, as well as helpful contacts for homeowners in the Lee County area. In addition, though its name has changed, the Ryan Roberts Realtor Blog will continue to deliver posts that include my insight into the world of real estate, homeowner advice, community events and weekly property showcases.
If you have a suggestion for something you would like to see on my site or blog, I would love to hear from you! In the meantime, I encourage you to take a minute to get reacquainted with my website under a new name—RyanRobertsRealtor.com!
For all of your home buying or selling needs in the Auburn, Opelika and Lake Martin areas, contact Ryan Roberts today at 334-750-9872, or [email protected]!