As we pack away our flip-flops and shorts for boots and jackets, cool, crisp weather is creeping in across East Alabama, and we’re in that in-between stage when it’s neither too hot nor too cold to be outside. Take advantage of this gorgeous southern season by attending the city of Auburn’s Fall Sundown Series at Kiesel Park—continued from September and happening every Thursday throughout the month of October!
Guests are invited to bring a blanket, chairs and a picnic dinner to the pavilion at Kiesel Park to enjoy the refreshing evening air while listening to the smooth tunes of local artists.
These FREE concerts are held from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., weather permitting.
Bring friends, family and even your furry friends for a chance to stretch their legs and watch the sun go down at the city of Auburn’s largest public park.
The concert schedule for the rest of the month is as follows:
Oct. 13: Alabama Revenue
Oct. 20: Rexton Lee
Oct 27: Electric Rangers
For weather updates and more information, visit Auburn Parks and Recreation at www.auburnalabama.org/parks!
Continue to follow Ryan Roberts’ blog for information on more community events like these, for valuable real estate-related advice and to see home listings in the Auburn-Opelika area!
Contact Ryan at 334-750-9872 or email Ryan at [email protected]! #FallSundownSeries #OutdoorFun #OutdoorConcert #LocalMusic #CityOfAuburnAL #KieselPark #AuburnAL #OpelikaAL #AuburnRealEstate #OpelikaRealEstate #AuburnRealtor #OpelikaRealtor #HomesAuburn #RyanRoberts